Dr. St. Hill

Meletha M. E. St. Hill holds a Ph.D. in Psychology, Master of Arts in Education (Community Counseling) with emphases in Marriage and Family and School Counseling, and a Bachelor of Business Administration.

Prior to Dr. St. Hill’s work as a psychologist, she taught Principles of Accounts and Business in Trinidad.  Her teaching experience created an awareness of the emotional needs of youth, especially in the school environment.  As a result, Dr. St. Hill wrote a manual on school guidance and counseling, especially designed for the Caribbean.


my Websites

I seek to use my talents and education to bless humanity in each of the businesses, ministry of service, and products. In keeping with my passion to serve God, I use everything He has given me for His glory.

The web affiliates are as follows:

  • Hope Publishers for Books, Presentations, and Web Applications
  • Hope Counseling Services provide individual virtual and face-to-face psychological counseling as well as seminar-workshops via I-DareToLive
  • I-Dare to Live is an education and recovery program established to help people understand the functioning of the brain for health, personal development, and success. There are two major programs, namely,  Brain Health and Total Wellness and IDL Responders Training
  • My Future Is Secure Free Web App on Bible prophecies of Daniel and Revelation
  • Accounts App on O’Level Principles of Accounts
  • Career Test to indicate a career path that matches one’s personality and gifts
  • Optimal Intelligence Theory is my current psychological research

 Web Affiliates

Female head showing Brain with text, brain performance booster

Self-Control: Developed Only as a result of increased Brain power

Self-control is critical.  It is the mind-power you have over your behavior, emotions, and temperament, which refers to how you do things and respond to people and situations.  Self-control is the exercise and practice of allowing your reasoning power to control your emotions.  This means that in exercising self-control you must use judgment as to right and wrong, seek to understand the situation, use critical thinking to make the right decision, and develop a working plan to achieve a goal for success.

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Then, what I am really saying is that self-control is necessary for you to do and accomplish things that are beneficial to you in every area of life, while rejecting negative, debilitating practices that would interfere with your growth and success.  As a result, self-control demands your training and use of skills in your prefrontal cortex.  Do bear in mind that it is impossible to have power, or control, over your behavior, emotions, and temperament while you have a nutritional deficiency and/or experience sleep deprivation that have led to an imbalance of happy chemicals necessary for mood enhancing.

This is my inspirational tip to boost your brain performance